stimulate inspiration and positive action
A documentary film to
A film source of inspiration and positive action
A problematic
Manon and François have always lived in the city.
Their city life was in full swing when suddenly... March 2020 arrived! That's when they became aware of the reality that surrounds them: grey, polluted and noisy cities.... It was during the lockdown that they made research and chaotic discoveries: today, more than 75% of the French population lives in cities, and in 2050, we will be more than 85%. Heat islands in cities will be more and more numerous due to global warming, air pollution will worsen making it unbreathable, cities will have difficulty feeding their populations, and city dwellers will be more and more stressed and sick... In short, there was no possible future in our cities.
A quest
With this alarming observation in mind, and not wanting to remain idle... They decided to leave everything (their jobs, their city, their lives) to look for solutions for the future of our cities.
Un film documentaire positif et inspirant
Manon and François have filmed their adventures around the world to share their discoveries. They gave life to an exciting feature film that highlights solutions at all scales for a positive urban future.
Their goal: to raise awareness, inspire, and encourage governments, private companies, and city dwellers to take action.

Titre : La Belle Ville
Durée : 1h25
3 versions ST : Français, Anglais, Espagnol
Format : Full HD • 5.1
What if we went beyond our imagination to create together the city of tomorrow?
❞ A city that combines the benefits of the countryside with the advantages of the urban world. Manon and François, two young city dwellers, have traveled the world in search of concrete initiatives that bring nature back in the heart of cities. Between the exhilaration of Japan's verdant skyscrapers, the unusual production of mushrooms in dark Parisian parking, or a mad Canadian supermarket that grows its produce on its roof, they discovered positive and accessible solutions that are already working. Along the way, they met these people with revolutionary ideas. By making the link between all these solutions, they offer us their vision of what the beautiful city of tomorrow could be... ❞

Reconnecting humans, cities and nature


Urban agriculture

Oxygenate, provide well-being and freshness, preserve biodiversity and air quality, be a source of local food... These actions are as many small green lungs for our neighborhoods as they are beneficial for the environment, the quality of life, the health of the inhabitants, and the attractiveness of the city.

In full development all over the world, urban agriculture encompasses a wide variety of practices: from open soil projects to above-ground cultivation in aquaponics, from permaculture projects to livestock or grazing projects. Recreational, urban agriculture makes it possible to reconnect with a certain form of nature and seasonality and encourages citizen participation. It can also play a role in the circular economy and encourage short circuits. Educational, it allows consumers to reappropriate the food production phase, to have access to local products, and to encourage them to modify their diets towards greater sustainability.

Food waste, green waste from parks and gardens, and other biodegradable waste are still today massively dumped in landfills, generating greenhouse gases, or incinerated even though they represent an important material resource. These materials can be used to produce energy through mechanization, and/or be reintroduced into the plant cycle by composting or spreading.

City dwellers, associations, business leaders, cities, experts... During this journey, Manon and François met these revolutionary project leaders who are bringing nature back to the heart of our cities and acting daily for a more positive urban future.
They green the city
They are urban farmers
They compost in the city

Authors, Directors & Actors

François Marques
Author, director and actor
Francois, an optimistic city-dweller, spontaneous and curious, is a young professional in search of a new world more in tune with his values.
A former communications manager for a renowned ski resort in the French Pyrenees, he always had a pronounced taste for images and audiovisual content creation. Making films has always been the part of his job that satisfied him the most: conceptualizing a story, organizing the shootings, spending a lot of time editing... Always with a creative idea in mind and very meticulous, Francois now wants to bring his skills to a project that inspires him, to improve the world on his own scale.
Manon Turina
Author, director and actor
Manon, a communications professional and an expert in the field of innovation, has always had sparks in her eyes when she is asked to contribute to a project related to sustainable development.
Passionate about discovering innovative projects and travelling since her childhood, she is a true explorer of modern times. A graduate of a top management school, Manon has walked the corridors and meeting rooms of large groups for several years in France and around the world. She wanted to give meaning to her career and her life as a city girl. She left everything behind to put all her energy into a project that raises awareness and invites change.